Preparing Your RV for Winter

November 15, 2018 7:05 am Published by Leave your thoughts

You’ve stocked up on ice melt. All the windows in your home are closed up tightly for the season. You’ve turned off your outdoor spigot. What about your RV? Is your home on wheels prepared for the winter? To avoid mobile RV repairs in Memphis, TN, you should winterize your RV just as you would your home.

How should you go about this? If you’ve never winterized your RV, it can be easy to miss essential steps. Use the following checklist to properly prepare your RV for the cold season.

Watch the surroundings

Where do you park your RV during the winter months? Keep an eye on structures and plants above or around your vehicle. Snow and ice buildup can cause a lot of damage if it falls on your RV. Choose your parking place carefully, then keep it free of winter buildup.

Inspect it

Give your RV a thorough inspection before the winter settles in. Look for cracks or places where water may accumulate. If moisture seeps into these openings and then freezes, it can cause further damage to your RV. Make any necessary adjustments or mobile RV repairs in Memphis, TN to correct these issues before cold weather hits.

Treat it

You may want to apply a sealant to the exterior of the RV to protect it over the winter. Check seals on windows, hatches and doors as well. If these are not tightly sealed, repair or replace them as needed. Adding window treatments can also help keep the cold winter air out of your RV. These winterizing steps will help keep your RV more inviting for winter use and protect it from the harsh elements.

Enhance plumbing

Frozen plumbing can lead to extensive mobile RV repairs in Memphis, TN. First, familiarize yourself with the plumbing system so you can properly care for it and troubleshoot any issues. Then, avoid damage to your holding tanks by preventing freezing. Add RV antifreeze to the holding tanks. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding how much to add, as this depends on the size of the reservoir. Another option is to use heating pads that are designed to keep holding tanks warm.

Rotate tires

Is it time to get new tires? When was the last time you rotated the tires or had them inspected? Driving on worn or damaged tires can lead to accidents and a need for mobile RV repair in Memphis, TN. This is especially dangerous in winter, when road conditions are often less than ideal. Avoid blown tires and accidents by taking proper care of your tires.

Get More Tips

Do you feel ready for winter? If you’d like additional tips about seasonal preparations or general RV maintenance, contact your local experts in mobile RV repair in Memphis, TN. United Diesel Power offers more than 28 years of experience in the automotive repair industry, with a specialized focus on RV repair. Our services are available 24/7, so you know that you will always be covered. Contact our team today!

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