Repairing Tractor Trailers: Seven Signs You Need a Semi Mechanic ASAP

July 12, 2019 1:43 am Published by Leave your thoughts

In our vast experience repairing tractor trailers in Memphis, TN, we often learn that drivers will push their trucks to the limit. This often results in roadside breakdowns or, at the very least, major repairs before you can take that next job. If your tractor trailer feels like it’s on its last wheels, you likely need to see a mechanic soon. Here are seven signs that you need to visit us today:

  • Poor gas mileage: Reduced gas mileage is the first sign that your engine is working too hard and may soon fail. This is often due to worn or damaged injectors, but other things could be going on as well. Do not merely dismiss increasingly frequent trips to the pump—take your semi in for an appointment soon.
  • Reduced performance: Loss of engine power is a sure sign that your truck is getting ready to quit on you. This is especially true if your truck fails to pull the same as before and driving it does not quite feel right. A common cause of this symptom is a loss of cylinder compression, although worn piston rings, valves or head gaskets may also be the cause. Reduced engine muscle is likely not your imagination. You could be facing a breakdown soon.
  • Low oil levels: Just as struggling engines consume more fuel, they will also consume more oil. In addition to your frequent visits to the pump, you may also find it is always time to top off your oil again. Engines can be burning or leaking oil, and either issue can wear out your piston rings. By fixing these issues, you add life to your truck.
  • Engine knocks: Engines should hum, not knock about as you drive. Just as with your personal vehicle, engine knocks in semi trucks never indicate anything good. The sound arises from combustion timing being off, or from oil contamination. Also, worn or damaged liner seals, main bearings or piston skirts can lead to engine knocks. Once this starts, it is often difficult to repair, and it may be too late. Your only option then is an engine replacement.
  • Black or blue exhaust: Keep an eye on your exhaust color. If it changes, something is going wrong. Black or blue exhaust indicates you are burning oil or the fuel environment is contaminated. Know what is normal for your truck, and if it changes, know it is time for a mechanic visit.
  • Bad engine brake performance: If hilly highways make you nervous and you constantly eye the runaway truck ramps, take a look at your brakes. If they are not working as well as before and any decline is an exercise in panic, there is likely an issue with cylinder compression. Take your semi in to see us before this results in an accident.
  • Excessive smoke: Excessive smoke or unburnt fuel shows wear on piston liners or steel rings. This can lead to an engine disaster if it is ignored too long.

You can trust United Diesel Power for repairing tractor trailers in Memphis, TN. If your semi shows any of these signs, call us for an appointment immediately. The sooner you see us, the less likely you will experience a catastrophic breakdown.

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